YalsNetwork Minecraft Server IP

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On this server we are building a 16k by 16k Medieval fantasy map. We are doing this with a custom texurepack.

Everything is possible as long as it is medieval themed

With multible civilizations as:

- Whitedoria ('Normal' Medieval Kingdom)
- Egypt
- Hiriton ?fallen?Dark Kingdom
- Dwarves
- Elves
- Vikings
- Pirates
- Vampires

And much more!

Join and explore the world for yourself!
Want to join the project? Join our discord!


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Viewed 69 times

What is the Server IP for YalsNetwork?

The IP for the YalsNetwork is: yalsnetwork.my.pebble.host

What Game modes can I play on YalsNetwork?

On YalsNetwork you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the YalsNetwork server support?

YalsNetwork currently supports versions: ?