Hypixel SkyBlock, a renowned modification on the Minecraft server, presents players with an array of challenges, dungeons, and adversaries. One of the most daunting challenges in the Catacombs Dungeon is The Watcher, a formidable mini-boss that demands both skill and strategy.

Conquering the Catacombs: The Watcher, Bonzo, and the Power of the Dragon Shortbow

This article delves deeper into the intricacies of mastering The Watcher, the enigmatic role of Bonzo, and the allure of the Dragon Shortbow.

The Watcher: An In-depth Overview

The Watcher, a sentinel in the Catacombs Dungeon, is a force to be reckoned with. Found on Floors 3 to 7, this mini-boss is known for its unpredictable nature and its ability to summon various bosses, including the circus master, Bonzo.

Strategies to Triumph Over The Watcher

  1. Team Coordination: Given The Watcher's prowess in summoning multiple threats simultaneously, a well-coordinated team is the first step towards victory. Clear communication ensures that all team members are on the same page, strategizing in real-time.
  2. Prioritize Targets: While The Watcher is the main adversary, the bosses it summons can be equally, if not more, threatening. It's often strategic to first eliminate these summoned bosses, especially Bonzo, who can be particularly challenging.
  3. Stay Agile: The Watcher's diverse range of attacks requires players to be constantly on the move. Awareness of one's surroundings and quick reflexes can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Bonzo: More Than Just a Circus Master

While many players might recognize Bonzo from Catacombs - Floor I, when summoned by The Watcher in the higher floors, he becomes a heightened challenge.

Delving into Bonzo's Phases

  • First Phase: Bonzo starts by summoning Undead minions and launching wither skulls. Players should maintain a safe distance, using the arena's pillars as cover. Eliminating the Undead can significantly reduce the chaos and make the battle more manageable.
  • Second Phase: Upon depleting his health, Bonzo revives with increased aggression. His Balloon Barrage attack can be particularly devastating. Spreading out and using the environment strategically can mitigate the damage.

The Dragon Shortbow: The Ultimate Prize

The Dragon Shortbow stands as one of the most coveted rewards from The Watcher. Beyond its rarity, it's a testament to a player's skill and dedication.

Features and Benefits of the Dragon Shortbow

  • Dragon Tracer V Enchantment: This unique enchantment amplifies the bow's capabilities, making it a formidable weapon against foes.
  • Dragon Stalker Ability: This ability grants players a 15% damage boost against Dragons, making dragon battles significantly more manageable.
  • Upgrades with Dragon Essence: Players can further enhance the Dragon Shortbow using Dragon Essence, increasing its potency and solidifying its status as a must-have weapon in SkyBlock.

How to Obtain the Bow

The Dragon Shortbow, while a rare drop from The Watcher, can be obtained under specific conditions. Players who have completed the Pearl Dealer questline have a higher chance of acquiring this prized possession. Once in possession, players can further enhance its capabilities, making it an invaluable asset in their arsenal.


Mastering The Watcher in Hypixel SkyBlock is no small feat. It demands a blend of strategy, an understanding of the various bosses, and the right equipment. With dedication and the right approach, players can not only triumph over this mini-boss but also secure the Dragon Shortbow, one of the game's most prized possessions. As with all challenges in SkyBlock, persistence, teamwork, and continuous improvement pave the way to success.