Carpentry in Hypixel SkyBlock is more than just a hobby; it's a skill that can significantly impact your overall gameplay. With the recent updates, carpentry now contributes to the skill average, making it essential for players to maximize it. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned player, this guide will provide you with top tips and crafting strategies to master carpentry in Hypixel SkyBlock.

A Comprehensive Guide to Efficient Carpentry Leveling

Understanding Carpentry's Importance

Carpentry is not just about crafting items; it's about understanding the game's mechanics and leveraging them to your advantage. By mastering carpentry, you can craft unique items, enhance your skill average, and even profit from your crafts. But how do you go about it? Let's dive in.

The Evolution of Carpentry in Hypixel SkyBlock

Over the years, Hypixel SkyBlock has introduced numerous updates, and carpentry has evolved with them. Initially seen as a secondary skill, its importance has grown, especially with its contribution to the skill average. This change has led players to seek efficient ways to level up their carpentry skills, leading to various crafting strategies.

Three Common Methods for Carpentry XP

There are several methods to gain Carpentry XP, but three stand out due to their efficiency and profitability:

  1. Perfect T12 Chestplate Method
  2. Enchanted Sulphur Cube Method
  3. Enchanted Diamond Block Method

Perfect T12 Chestplate Method

This method is for those who want quick results, even if it means incurring a high loss. The process involves:

  • Setting up Buy Orders for Enchanted Diamond Blocks.
  • Crafting T1 Chestplates and progressively upgrading them to T12.
  • Each upgrade provides a whopping 67k Carpentry XP, making it one of the fastest methods.

However, it's essential to note that this method can result in a loss of 6.13m per craft. Therefore, it's suitable for players who prioritize speed over profitability.

Enchanted Sulphur Cube Method

If you're looking for a method that's slower but can be profitable, the Enchanted Sulphur Cube method is for you. Here's how it works:

  • Make Buy Orders for Enchanted Sulphur.
  • Flip them for a higher price.
  • Craft them into cubes.

The beauty of this method is the profit. You can earn around 8k per craft, which can accumulate to a potential profit of 70m coins over time. However, patience is key, as Buy Orders can take time to fill.

Enchanted Diamond Block Method

This method strikes a balance between speed and loss. It's relatively quick, with a minimal loss of 4976 per craft. The process is:

  • Set up Buy Orders for Enchanted Diamonds.
  • Craft them into blocks.

While you'll incur a total loss of 35m coins from Carpentry 0-50, the speed and efficiency of this method make it a favorite among many players.

Requirements for Mastering Carpentry

Before diving into these methods, ensure you meet the necessary requirements:

  • Have at least 90m coins at your disposal.
  • Unlock specific collections: Diamond IX for the Perfect T12 Chestplate, Sulphur VI for the Enchanted Sulphur Cube, and Diamond VII for the Enchanted Diamond Block.

Additional Strategies for Carpentry Mastery

Beyond the three primary methods, there are other strategies worth considering:

  • Gemstone Mining: Setting up a gemstone mining operation can yield significant Carpentry XP. This method involves mining gemstones and crafting them into various items.
  • Gold Mining in Mines of Divan: For those on IronMan profiles, mining gold and crafting it can be a viable strategy. This method is slower but can be effective for those who prefer a more hands-on approach.
  • Utilizing the Bazaar: The Bazaar is a hub for trading in Hypixel SkyBlock. By understanding market trends, players can buy low and sell high, profiting while also gaining Carpentry XP.


Mastering carpentry in Hypixel SkyBlock requires a combination of strategy, patience, and understanding of the game's mechanics. Whether you choose the Perfect T12 Chestplate, Enchanted Sulphur Cube, or Enchanted Diamond Block method, the key is to stay consistent and enjoy the process. With the right approach, you'll not only enhance your skill average but also enjoy the satisfaction of crafting unique items and profiting from your efforts.