Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials Minecraft Server IP

Server Details

IP Address
BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.21.x

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PureVanilla is a survival multiplayer server (SMP) with two gamemodes, fully vanilla, and economy. You'll find amazing people on both gamemodes.

Our fully vanilla gamemode is actually fully vanilla, not even the chat has been modified. This is a competitive gamemode, and there are plenty of veteran players that will help you get started.

Our economy server is one of the most (if not the most) original economy server you'll find, with custom reimagined features that will make out for an amazing experience. You can find a custom shop system, custom money system, custom player warps, and many others. Of course, you'll also find all the features you expect from an economy server, such as land claiming/protection.

Our server is always running on the latest version of Minecraft, and gets updated on exactly the same day major Minecraft versions are released. At the time, you can play using the 1.21 version of the game.


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Viewed 6350 times

What is the Server IP for Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials?

The IP for the Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials is: mil.purevanilla.co

What Game modes can I play on Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials?

On Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials server support?

Pure Vanilla - Tricky Trials currently supports versions: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.21.x