GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay Minecraft Server IP

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Server launches December 15th!GrimurRP is a vanilla world-building roleplay server featuring a wide array of custom plugins and clever resource-pack use to create a fully realised steampunk experience.

Key Features:Fully item based economy based on EXP which can be stored and traded in three tiers (EXP -> Emeralds -> Emerald Blocks).Nodes plugin to manage land-claims, similar to Paradox Interactive's Europa Universalis 4. Features fully custom plot sizes and fully fleshed out permissions system.Vehicles plugin which creates almost mod-like custom vehicles which amplify the gameplay (Trains, Ships, Planes&Maxims, Jumppacks, Artillery).Factories plugin to allow for crafting custom items and cheaper vanilla recipes for price of initial creation cost and upkeep.Guns and other weapons (Flamethrowers&Lightning Guns) to use to eliminate your enemies.Toggleable PVP in town borders, this is not a PVP focused server (when not at war).RealisticSeasons alongside with RealisticBiomes, crop growth rate is affected by season and they grow while offline (key for economy and producing XP.)Cosmetics (mainly hats) that allow you to truly immerse yourself in, whether: uniforms and helmets for your soldiers, a monocle and top hat for the dapper gentleman, diving suit and helmet for the explorer.Smoking Pipes and Brewery replace the functionality of pots within PVP.Create custom map art in-game via the ArtMap plugin.If I've captured your interest I'd love to invite you to join us over at:Web:
Server: or

Our server will always proudly remain non-P2W, our store page is limited to only cosmetics and non-intrusive quality of life.


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What is the Server IP for GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay?

The IP for the GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay is:

What Game modes can I play on GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay?

On GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay server support?

GrimurRP | Steampunk | World-building | Geopolitics | Roleplay currently supports versions: ?