Fires Vanilla Hardcore Minecraft Server IP

Server Details

IP Address

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Do you think you have what it takes?

One Life, One Try..

PVP Is enabled, one month Ban on death.
Lag machines will be removed
Chat is not moderated, use /ignore to mute/block players from Minecraft
Grief, Raiding, & PvP allowed
No datapacks & no game changing plugins
AFK or idle is allowed, no time limit
Spawn in a random radius of 3000 blocks
No world border


Total Users

Viewed 53 times

What is the Server IP for Fires Vanilla Hardcore?

The IP for the Fires Vanilla Hardcore is:

What Game modes can I play on Fires Vanilla Hardcore?

On Fires Vanilla Hardcore you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Fires Vanilla Hardcore server support?

Fires Vanilla Hardcore currently supports versions: ?