Hypixel SkyBlock, a renowned Minecraft minigame, boasts a vast universe brimming with diverse NPCs, each presenting their own set of unique quests and treasures. Among these characters, the Melancholic Viking stands out, a solitary figure nestled in the Viking Longhouse on the Lonely Island. This comprehensive guide delves deep into the steps required to unlock his exclusive shop and the hidden treasures it holds.

A Journey Through Memories: Helping the Viking Find Joy

Who is the Melancholic Viking?

The Melancholic Viking is more than just an NPC; he's a character with a rich backstory, filled with mystery and nostalgia. Once a proud seafarer, he now finds himself landlocked, yearning for the days when the sea's waves crashed around him, and the aroma of a fresh catch wafted through the air. Time, however, has eroded these memories, leaving behind a void. Players have the unique opportunity to help him rekindle these lost moments, and in doing so, unlock a shop that holds items of great value.

The Quest to Reminisce

Unlocking the Viking's treasures isn't just about completing tasks; it's a poignant journey that intertwines gameplay with a heartfelt narrative.

Step 1: Extinguishing the Fire

The initial task, though seemingly simple, holds profound symbolism. Players are required to use a Magical Water Bucket to quench the flames that rage in the Viking's cabin. This act not only extinguishes a fire but also rekindles the Viking's cherished memories of the vast sea. It's crucial to place the water directly onto the fire to evoke the desired memories.

Step 2: The Smell of a Tasty Supper

The next step transports the Viking back to the glorious evenings he spent with his warband. Players are tasked with reigniting these memories by right-clicking on one of the furnaces with a Raw Fish. This action, which consumes the fish, activates the furnace, filling the cabin with a scent that's both familiar and comforting to the Viking.

Step 3: Splish-Splash Memories

The final leg of this journey is both playful and nostalgic. Players are required to use the Fish Hat Splash Ability a total of 15 times. This playful act, costing 150 Mana, mimics the splashing of fishes, a sound that the Viking deeply cherishes. Completing this task culminates in a dramatic display as lightning illuminates the sky, signaling the Viking's elation and the subsequent unlocking of his shop.

Treasures of the Viking's Shop

Assisting the Melancholic Viking is not just a noble endeavor but also a rewarding one. Players are bestowed with access to a shop that offers unparalleled items:

  • Viking's Tear: A mystical item with the power to amplify experience potions, making leveling up a breeze.
  • Raider Axe: A formidable weapon that evolves with the player, growing in strength based on the number of adversaries vanquished and the volume of wood amassed.
  • Experience IV Book: An invaluable tome that significantly boosts XP gains, ensuring players level up faster when battling mobs and mining ores.

Trivia and Insights

The Viking's narrative is peppered with intriguing tidbits:

  • His comment about hurling boats at adversaries is a playful nod to players previously using boats to troll or sabotage others during the Dark Auction.
  • The Viking's recollection of the last time he saw the sea, pointing to September 2009, remains shrouded in mystery. Some speculate it might allude to the addition of creepers in Minecraft.


Hypixel SkyBlock transcends the boundaries of traditional gaming, offering players a world rich in stories, characters, and emotions. The Melancholic Viking's quest epitomizes this blend, seamlessly intertwining gameplay with a captivating narrative. By aiding the Viking, players not only gain access to a treasure trove of items but also embark on a journey filled with nostalgia, memories, and the timeless allure of the sea.

The next time adventure beckons in Hypixel SkyBlock, make a pitstop at the Lonely Island. Extend a helping hand to the Melancholic Viking, and in return, unearth the treasures of his shop and immerse yourself in a tale as old as time.