Hypixel Skyblock has become a sensation among Minecraft enthusiasts, offering a plethora of items that can turn the tide in the game. One of the most sought-after items in the game is the Hyperion sword, and with its remarkable attributes and versatility, it's no wonder why. This guide will delve deep into the Hyperion sword and its unique features, allowing players to harness its full potential.


The Hyperion is a LEGENDARY Dungeon Sword, drawing its name from the Greek Titan, Hyperion. It has seen its fair share of history within the Hypixel Skyblock updates.


To craft the Hyperion, you will require:

  • 8 L.A.S.R.'s Eyes
  • 1 Necron's Blade (Unrefined)


The Hyperion offers multiple upgrade options:

  • Sword Enchantments
  • Sword Reforges
  • Recombobulator 3000
  • Hot Potato Books
  • Fuming Potato Books
  • The Art Of War
  • Master Stars
  • Gemstones
  • Necron's Blade Scrolls

These scrolls impart the Hyperion with additional abilities, namely Implosion, Shadow Warp, and Wither Shield. Moreover, you can also upgrade the Hyperion based on the Catacombs Level, allowing it to receive +1 Damage and +2 Intelligence per level.

Essence Upgrading

The Wither Essence is a crucial component for the Hyperion's enhancement. As you advance through the levels, the cost increases, but the results are undeniably worth the investment.


The Hyperion’s passive ability grants it a 50% damage boost against Withers. Additionally, it offers +1 Damage and +1 Intelligence per Catacombs level.


  • Implosion: Inflicts 10,000 damage on nearby foes.
  • Wither Shield: Reduces damage intake by 10% for 5 seconds.
  • Shadow Warp: Creates a spatial distortion pulling in enemies.
  • Wither Impact: Teleport, followed by an implosion, coupled with the effects of the wither shield.


The Hyperion's nomenclature pays homage to the Greek Titan and is also referenced in English poet John Keats' abandoned epic, "Hyperion."


The Hyperion saw its introduction on November 17th, 2020, and has undergone several modifications since.

Insider Insights from a YouTube Stream

On delving into the world of YouTube, players have shared insights, recommendations, and strategies for the Hyperion sword. One streamer showcased their journey in hypermaxing the Hyperion, including enchantments and gemstones to increase its damage. The streamer shifted between the Cilla and the Hyperion for dungeons, highlighting the importance of refining strategy based on your immediate in-game objectives.

Further insights revealed a preference for the first-hit damage over sustained damage, emphasizing the Skyblock strategy of one-tap kills. Gemstone additions, such as the Jasper gemstone, were highlighted for their augmentation capabilities.


The Hyperion sword in Hypixel Skyblock is more than just a weapon; it's an experience. With its versatile upgrade paths and formidable abilities, mastering the Hyperion is a rewarding endeavor. As with any high-tier item in a game, it requires investment, strategy, and a touch of finesse. With this guide, players are now equipped with the knowledge to wield the Hyperion with expertise.