WolfRealmsReborn Minecraft Server IP

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Wolf Realms Reborn is a returning server from the early days of survival multiplayer.
Equipped with custom plugins and new hunger for the hunt, Wolf Realms Reborn is a truly unique experience.
Join us under the moon where our songs serenade the stars and make their light dance.
Kindness and respect hold the pack together and leave hate in the dust as we run.
Enjoy a carefree environment with keep inventory on and pvp restricted, as well as land claiming enabled.
We are excited to meet you!


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Viewed 8 times

What is the Server IP for WolfRealmsReborn?

The IP for the WolfRealmsReborn is: wolfrealmsreborn.org

What Game modes can I play on WolfRealmsReborn?

On WolfRealmsReborn you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the WolfRealmsReborn server support?

WolfRealmsReborn currently supports versions: ?