MineFlows Minecraft Server IP

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IP Address
Spigot 1.20.1

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MineFlows is an EarthSMP introducing custom events called Timequakes. This is when a different period in time, the Jurassic Period for example, leaks into the modern world. It's up to you to craft, build, survive, and defeat these creatures! Defeating a Timequake earns players custom weapons, armor, and items that you would not be able to get through grinding or crates!


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Viewed 9 times

What is the Server IP for MineFlows?

The IP for the MineFlows is: play.mineflows.org

What Game modes can I play on MineFlows?

On MineFlows you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the MineFlows server support?

MineFlows currently supports versions: Spigot 1.20.1